Bioenergy in Balancing the Grid & Providing Storage Options


The global energy supply system is currently in transition from one that relies on polluting and depleting inputs to a system that relies on non-polluting and non-depleting inputs that are dominantly abundant and intermittent. Optimising the stability and cost-effectiveness of such future system requires seamless integration and control of various energy inputs. The role of energy supply management is therefore expected to increase in the future to ensure that customers will continue to receive the required amount energy at the required time.

In countries where wind and solar are expected to play a dominant role in the energy transition, integration of these intermittent energy sources with the power grid places significant pressure to the grid operation as the supply of the power especially from wind can not be controlled or predicted. This has led to extensive discussions with the grid operators on how to balance the grid. Furthermore often the renewable electricity from wind or solar is provided in times when demand is low and the electricity has to be stored or wasted. Bioenergy can be used to relieve the pressure from system level management of the grid by making the grid more stable. In this respect, bioenergy has potential to play a focal role as a stabilising element in the renewable power (RE) supply system.